
School Festival

There is a festival in school tomorrow.

There are twenty-seven groups. In each group, there are 4-5 students from each grade, grade 1 to grade 6. Additionally, there are 4 sub-groups in each group--A-1, A-2, B-1 and B-2. I am in group B-1.

In the festival, we can play twenty-seven different games. We, the grade 6 students, came up with and set up the games in our own groups.

During the festival, groups A-1 and A-2 can go to the different stations to play, first. While groups A-1 and A-2 are playing, groups B-1 and B-2 will man the stations. After about an hour, there will be a changeover.

I am not looking forward to it because I am the only grade 6 student in my group and I have to take care of the younger students from the other grades who are in my group ):

Miss Harada (age 10)

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